Groove Compost Turner onsite InstallationGroove Compost Turner onsite Installation

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Groove Compost Turner onsite Installation

If you are looking for a cost-effective and efficient way to produce organic fertilizer from your farm waste, you might want to consider a groove compost turner. A groove compost turner is a machine that can turn and mix the organic materials in a fermentation groove. It can accelerate the composting process and improve the quality of the compost.

In this blog post, we will show you how to install a groove compost turner onsite. We will also share some tips and precautions for using and maintaining the machine.

Step 1: Prepare the fermentation groove
The first step is to prepare the fermentation groove where you will place the organic materials and the compost turner. The groove should be made of concrete or bricks, with a width of 3-4 meters and a depth of 1-1.5 meters. The length of the groove depends on your production capacity and space availability. You can also make multiple parallel grooves if needed.

The fermentation groove should have good drainage and ventilation, as well as a cover to prevent rainwater from entering. You should also leave some space at both ends of the groove for the compost turner to turn around.

Step 2: Assemble the compost turner
The next step is to assemble the compost turner according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The compost turner consists of four main parts: the frame, the walking system, the turning device, and the control system.

The frame is the main structure that supports the other parts of the machine. It is usually made of steel and has wheels or tracks for moving along the groove.

The walking system is the part that drives the machine forward and backward along the groove. It can be powered by electricity or diesel engine, depending on your preference and availability.

The turning device is the part that turns and mixes the organic materials in the groove. It has a rotating shaft with blades or teeth that can cut and stir the materials. The turning device can also adjust its height and angle according to the depth and moisture of the materials.

The control system is the part that controls the operation of the machine. It has a control panel with buttons and switches that can regulate the speed, direction, and height of the turning device. It also has a safety device that can stop the machine in case of emergency.

To assemble the compost turner, you need to connect the frame, the walking system, the turning device, and the control system with bolts and wires. You also need to check if all the parts are in good condition and if there are any loose or missing components.

Step 3: Place the compost turner on the groove
The final step is to place the compost turner on the groove and start composting. You need to align the machine with the groove and make sure it can move smoothly along it. You also need to connect the power source (electricity or diesel) and test if the machine works properly.

To start composting, you need to fill the groove with organic materials, such as animal manure, crop residues, kitchen waste, etc. You should also add some water and microbial agents to facilitate decomposition. The moisture content of the materials should be around 50-60%.

Then, you need to operate the compost turner to turn and mix the materials regularly. The frequency and duration of turning depend on factors such as temperature, moisture, oxygen, etc. Generally speaking, you should turn the materials once or twice a day in summer and once every two or three days in winter. The turning process can increase oxygen supply, reduce heat accumulation, prevent odor emission, and enhance microbial activity.

The composting process usually takes about 20-30 days to complete. You can judge if the compost is ready by its color, smell, temperature, and maturity. The finished compost should be dark brown or black, have an earthy smell, have a low temperature (below 50°C), and have no visible raw materials.

Tips and Precautions for Using and Maintaining Groove Compost Turner
To ensure safe and efficient use of groove compost turner, you should follow these tips and precautions:

– Before using the machine, you should read the instruction manual carefully and familiarize yourself with its functions and operations.
– You should wear protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, masks, etc. when operating or maintaining the machine.
– You should keep children and animals away from the machine when it is working.
– You should check if there are any foreign objects or obstacles in the groove before turning.
– You should not overload or overfill the groove with too much organic materials.
– You should not operate or stop the machine abruptly or violently.
– You should clean and lubricate the machine regularly to prevent rusting or jamming.
– You should store the machine in a dry and ventilated place when not in use.

Groove compost turner is a practical and economical machine that can help you produce high-quality organic fertilizer from your farm waste. By following the steps and tips above, you can install and use the machine easily and safely. If you are interested in groove compost turner or other composting equipment, please feel free to contact us. We are a professional manufacturer and supplier of composting machines with rich experience and expertise. We can provide you with customized solutions according to your needs and budget. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Engineer in fertilizer production and machinery development and research, served in the industry since 2001. All the industrial leading information about the bio, organic, npk, compound fertilizer production technology & equipment, welcome contact.

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